
About Me

I'm a prairie/west coast girl, and now venturing to the east, to the big city, Toronto! I am a lover of all things floral, and love to design. I am a never ending DIYer and love creating all sorts of things. I especially love lattes, more than any other drink and have a tendency to use retail therapy if anything goes haywire. I feel like the most random things happen to me on a daily basis and can't wait to share them with you. I can be awkward when I first meet people and then I blossom into a normal/nice person!
I happen to have the sweetest, cutest and funniest nephew in the world (though I may be a TAD bias) and you will definitely see him pop up on here from time to time! His name is Everett and he is a straight up BUB!
Follow me on twitter, pinterest, or instagram and you will have loads of laughs and hopefully be inspired? Cool!